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Monday, September 29, 2014

Back after a break...with a thought..a few thoughts..

Am thinking there should be a campaign to reduce honking in our main cities. I know India has bigger problems, but I cant do much about them (right now). But I could probably galvanize some action around "no honking".  How should the campaign go? Lemme try & write it up:

Am very reliably told that writing indeed helps firm up thoughts.

1. Objective
Create a campaign to reduce honking- following a 3-pronged sequential approach:
- 1st: target car owners who drive
- Then: target drivers via their owners (i.e. owners who dont drive to tell their drivers to not honk)
- & finally: the auto & cab drivers

Its understood that a country like ours will need honking from time to time. Idea is to limit the honking to when it is critically required.

2. Specs
Name: No Honk
Tagline: Dont honk unless necessary
Logo: A horn with a cross against it

3. Details? Next steps? Along with Q marks..
- Create a working group
- Design logo
- Print stickers & badges
- Have a blog & FB page up & running
-Distribute the sticks & badgers at various places  (need to think this through, atleast in early phase. Eventually it could be distributed anywhere from a Coffee Day to a petrol pump)
- Targets? need some nos 
- How to measure impact? Critical to scale this..
- How much money is needed for a sort of Phase1?

- Working Group? Who can join?
-Who will distribute the stickers/ badges & how initially? - Best I can think of is to start with a bunch of offices...(someone distributing the stuff outside offices)

4. What I would like to know? & all of this should be part of the website/ FB updates
- The impact on BP of random honking
- Noise pollution impact of honking
- Situations when it is ok to honk (i guess when you are just about to hit a vehicle/ a living thing)
- When should you absolutely not honk?For e.g.,  avoid honking at know when the signal turns green & all honk- assuming that the jerk ahead of you would rather spend the afternoon on the road.

As with any thought converted to written words, more questions than answers......

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